The European Commission supports the creation of common European data spaces for the manufacturing sector to ensure enhanced access to privately held data, via industrial data platforms.
These data spaces will offer a secure and trusted environment for companies to share their data based upon voluntary agreements. In such context, the manufacturing sector can benefit from shared infrastructures, systems and processes for the development and continuous improvement of artificial intelligence systems with high-quality insights.
About the webinar
This webinar aims to discuss how several industrial-grade data spaces for specific value chains in the manufacturing sector can be defined. Data spaces would enable companies in different user roles (supplier, client, service provider…) to interact with large amounts of manufacturing data. Questions to be addressed include: What parts of the manufacturing sector should be targeted? What data is industry willing to share? What are the possibilities to use federated cloud infrastructures? What is the size of the data we are talking about? Is it mainly data-in-rest (historical) or data streams (live)? How to link with AI Testing and Experimentation Facilities? What direction should the common endeavor take? Use cases such as agile supply chain management; dynamic asset management and the best way to fit such initiative will also be discussed.
Participants are expected to provide their views on what can be done to implement data spaces, also with a view to the European Strategy for Data and its planned initiatives on:
- Common European Data Spaces,
- European Cloud Federation of Infrastructures and Services,
- and related to AI Test and Experimentation Facilities
The webinar will build on the results of two previous workshops:
- Workshop on Common European data spaces for Smart Manufacturing (16/09/2019) – Meeting report
- Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Testing and Experimentation Facilities for Smart Manufacturing (16/01/2020) – Presentations
How to participate
Join the webinar via Webex on 6 May 2020, 09.30-12.30 CET.
Webex meeting number: 841 352 958
Password: pWKyFhrB736 (79593472 from phones)
We will use Slido, hashtag #MDS